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                                                                We are part of "the ramblers" which is a registered charity

Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Goyt 2016

Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Castleton 2017

Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Alexandra Park 2016 width=

Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Tandle Hill 2016 Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Alderley Edge 2016 Manchester and Salford Ramblers

Manchester and Salford Ramblers Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

If your question is not answered here, please contact a member of the committee.

Q  I like walking but I am not very fit.  Will I be able to join in?

A  Yes! we welcome all walkers.  In Manchester and Salford we specialise in short city walks around urban parks and along canals.  All walks are generally at a reasonable pace and sometimes there are drop off points where you can get the bus back.

There are some additional longer walks available (about 10+ miles) out of the Manchester and Salford area but these are always marked as such on our website.

Q   How do I get details of proposed walks?

A  All details are on our regular walks programme on this site; if you need more details, ring the walk leader whose details will be on the walks programme.

Q How do I know if the walk has been cancelled?

A  We have never cancelled a walk yet!. But you can check the website before you set off or ring the walk leader.

Q If all walks take place within Manchester and Salford, aren't they all just walking round streets and pavements?

A No!. There are loads of open/green spaces within both cities along rivers, canals, on reclaimed industrial land and in parks. We want people to know that there are fantastic walks on their doorstep - you don't have to travel miles to get access to beautiful places and we have knowledgeable leaders who can tell you all about them.

Q  Do I need to wear boots?

A  Boots are not always necessary but it depends on the weather and the area but always wear sturdy shoes.

Q  Do I have to bring sandwiches?

A  Thats up to you! lots of people do, some don't. As the walks start at 10.30 am we are generally back for 1.00pm, so it is usually around lunch time when we finish. The walk leader usually builds in a short stop for people to have a bite to eat, but this is usually quick- not time for a 3 course dinner break!!, but enough for a quick banana, drink and a roll (for example). If worried about this, ring the walk leader to check.

Q  I see from your publicity that all your walks are short walks.  I live in Salford and I like doing long walks.  What can you offer me?

A  We do the occasional ten mile walk and twice a year we have a weekend away staying in a youth Hostel where we organise longer walks.  There are also longer walks organised by the Area and you will find details of these in the Walks Booklet which is sent out to all members twice a year.   We try to offer a wide range of walks suitable for everyone.  If you would like to organise a long walk we can publicise that in our walks programme.
There are some additional longer walks available (about 10+ miles) out of the Manchester and Salford area, these are always marked as such on our website.

Q  I don't understand how there is a Manchester and Salford Group and a Greater Manchester Group. Which one am I in?

A The Ramblers is organised across the country into Areas and these cover quite a large geographical patch.  Our Area is GREATER MANCHESTER AND HIGH PEAK AREA.  Central Office allocates money to the Area which is run by a committee elected at the Area AGM.   Each Area is made up of a number of LOCAL GROUPS. . In our Area we have eleven local groups of which Manchester and Salford is one.  The local groups can send delegates to the Area Committee.

Q  I would like to get more involved but I don't really know much about it or how to lead a walk

A  if you would like to do more then please contact Mags Metcalf  our secretary.  If you would like to lead a walk but have never done that before we can always put you in touch with a more experienced walk leader who will come with you to check the route before the walk support you on the day of the walk- again let Mags know.