
                                                                                      We are part of "the ramblers" which is a registered charity

Manchester and Salfo60rd Ramblers, Chair Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Secretary Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Newsletter Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Web Manchester and Salford Ramblers, Walks

Manchester and Salford Ramblers

Salford Trail Opening 2017 The Salford Trail Team, Roy Bullock (who had the original idea), Margaret Metcalf, Salle Dare, David Yates, Veronica Yates, Rob Dean, Maggie Smith and Peter Matthews continue to develop, check, and amend the routes. They work with Salford Council and TfGM to keep the routes updated so if you see something that should be brought to their attention, Please let us know.

In Manchester we have a group working with Manchester City Coucil, City of Trees and TfGM to update the Manchester Green Corridor (to be renamed The Manchester Green Trail). Further news to announced shortly.

Read important information about regular footpath clearing and how YOU can help here

Keep up to date via our Facebook page. This is a great opportunity to post your pictures, favourite walks, events and any other stuff you want to share. Like!

Walk Leaders Needed!

Could you lead a walk? If you'd like to, please get in touch with our walks co-ordinator! (see below). Training given......

Manchester and Salford Ramblers - The Committee

Position Name Contact details
Chair Salle Dare salle_e_dare@yahoo.co.uk

tel: 07523 871475

Secretary Margaret Metcalf sec.mandsramblers@gmail.com

tel: 0161 839 3865

Treasurer Sean Dunne sean.a.dunne@btinternet.com


Walk Co-ordinator Maggie Smith maggie.smith400@btinternet.com

tel: 0161 794 3565

Membership Secretary & Publicity Officer Bob Lenihan r.lenihan@ntlworld. com
Website Administrator Geoff Jones web.mandsramblers@gmail.com

tel: 01942 604262 mobile 07801261571

Footpath Officer – Manchester Richard Cleverley rwcleverley@gmail.com,

tel: 07593 077 422

Newsletter Editor Margaret Manning mmanning@ntlworld.com,

tel: 0161 861 8390

Social Secretary Chris Quinn c20kew@googlemail.com,

tel: 0161 633 9167

Details of officers reports from the AGM can be obtained from the secretary (see above)